Causes of baby sweating and what to do about it

Julia Adamma Robert
5 min readJul 5, 2021


Hello women and mothers, i want to share with you today from experience, the major Causes of baby sweating and what to do about it. Sometimes babies sweat all over. Other times you may notice sweating or dampness in specific areas, like the hands, feet, or head. Again, this is quite normal. Humans just have more sweat glands in certain areas.

It’s true that in rare cases, sweating can signal a health issue. Let’s look at what causes the sweat, how it can be treated, and when you should see your pediatrician. Also find time to read 9 Best foods for mother and her baby

Why is my baby sweating so much? Here are some of the reasons why your baby may be sweating:

1. Crying or fussing themselves into a sweat

Crying can be hard work and require a lot of energy. (So can calming your little one during one of these fussing sessions!) If your baby is crying hard or has been crying for a long time, they can become sweaty and red in the face.

If this is the cause, sweating will be temporary and resolve once all is calm in baby’s world again.

2. Too many layers turning up the (body) heat

Conscientious parents often bundle their baby in extra layers of clothing or blankets to help ensure they don’t get too cold. Well done!

However, if a baby is over bundled, they can get hot, uncomfortable, and sweaty since the skin can’t breathe.

In this case, your baby can feel hot all over. You may notice sweat anywhere on their body. And here are some vital Tips for Coping with Baby Separation Anxiety

3. Deep sleep (aren’t you a wee bit jealous?)

Newborns spend most of the day and night sleeping, but they usually sleep in short segments, typically only about 3 or 4 hours at a time. This may have you wondering how on earth the phrase “sleep like a baby” came to have positive associations.

But during these times when your baby is sleeping, they’ll move through different sleep cycles, including very deep sleep. In deep sleep, some babies may sweat excessively and wake up wet with sweat. It’s actually quite common and is usually no cause for concern.

4. Cold, fever, or infection

If your baby is sweating but usually doesn’t sweat or doesn’t sweat much, they might be getting a cold or have an infection.

A fever is a telltale sign of infection, so take your little one’s temperature. You can usually use infant Tylenol to lower the fever and ease symptoms, but talk to your doctor about dosing and recommendations if your baby is younger than 6 months.

5. Infant sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is a condition where you pause for 20 or more seconds between breaths while sleeping. It’s very rare in infants but can happen, especially in preemies in the early months after birth.

If you think your baby has sleep apnea, have them evaluated by your pediatrician. Signs to look for include:

* snoring
* gasping
* open mouth while sleeping

Sleep apnea isn’t a risk factor for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) — many parents worry it is — and babies usually grow out of it. Still, it’s best to talk to a doctor if you’re concerned.

Don’t be tempted to use sleep positioners. Sleep positioners and wedges are not recommended while feeding or sleeping. These padded risers are intended to keep your baby’s head and body in one position, but are not recommended by the Food and Drug AdministrationTrusted Source due to the risk of SIDS.

6. Hyperhidrosis in infancy

Hyperhidrosis is a condition that causes excessive sweating, even when the temperature is cool. Localized hyperhidrosis can happen on certain parts of the body, such as the hands, armpits, or feet — or several of these areas at once.

There’s also a form of hyperhidrosis, called general hyperhidrosis, that can affect large areas of the body. It’s rare but not serious. The condition often improves as baby grows.

Hyperhidrosis can occur when awake or asleep. A more serious condition sometimes causes it, so your paediatrician will run some tests if they suspect this.

7. Congenital heart disease

Babies who have congenital heart disease sweat nearly all the time because their bodies are compensating for the problem and working harder to pump blood through the body.

Babies who have congenital heart disease will have difficulty eating and start sweating as they attempt to eat. Other symptoms may include a bluish tint to the skin and fast, shallow breathing.

Treatments for a sweaty baby

When you notice your baby is sweaty, the first thing to do is see if there’s anything you can do to adjust the environment so it’s more comfortable. If those changes don’t help, you may need to see a doctor.

Baby sweating: Here are some things to check and consider:

1. Find and fix the problem

If your baby is crying hard and has worked up a sweat, take the time to figure out what they need and help them, and see if the sweating stops. (Yes, we know you do this on the daily and don’t need the reminder.)

While the cause of the crying could be that your baby’s hot, there may be other reasons: They’re hungry, need a diaper change, or just want you to hold them.

2. Adjust room temperature

Make sure the temperature in your baby’s room stays somewhere between cool and warm but isn’t hot. Your baby’s sleep environment should stay between 68 to 72°F (20 to 22°C).

If the room doesn’t have a thermometer, you can purchase a portable one to keep track. Many baby monitors also report the temperature of the room.

If you’re not sure, stop and ask yourself if you’re hot. If so, then your baby probably is, too.

3. Remove extra clothing

Dress your baby in lightweight, breathable clothes. Remove layers as needed. Resist the urge to bundle your little one unless it’s very cold. For safety, be sure to keep any blankets, quilts, and comforters out of their crib.

4. Be alert to fever and other symptoms

If you’ve taken steps to adjust the temperature and remove layers of clothing from your baby and they’re still sweaty, they could have a fever. Seek medical attention for your baby if they’re:

* younger than 3 months old and have a fever with a rectal temperature of 100.4°F (38°C)
* over 3 months old and have a fever of 102°F (38.9°F) or higher
* over 3 months old and have had a fever for longer than 2 days

If you notice any of these other symptoms in addition to sweating, see a doctor:

* gasping or wheezing during sleep
* long pauses between breaths while sleeping
* not gaining weight normally
* problems eating
* snoring
* teeth grinding

Originally published at on July 5, 2021.



Julia Adamma Robert
Julia Adamma Robert

Written by Julia Adamma Robert

I an a Nigerian entrepreneur, publishing scalable business ideas and tips startups and those who are already in business

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